Monday 9 November 2015

Embrace those curves

Spring 2015 has not quite made it's daibute in Cape Town and yet everyone is in a rush to get their summer bodies on.

All you hear is talks of liquid diets, green tea and no sugar intake which I am guilty off. All winter long the gym and healthy eating was not part of my vocabulary but I'm wiser now.

I've realized that you have to love yourself for others to love you fully. If you embrace those curves, you'll be proud of them and stand taller, show more confidence and that will radiate to others.

You need to set a positive example for those who surround you. Never underestimate how your own confidence level will rub off on others. If you constantly put yourself down in front of them, colleagues and friends will hold onto that. Later on, they might have the same issues.

It'll boost your love life. If you embrace your curves and stop being ashamed of them, your love life can benefit. When you're not feeling beautiful, you're not going to be 100 per cent receptive to romance. But when you're feeling positive, your attitude will radiate and completely change the dynamic in a relationship. No one wants to be in a romantic situation and be thinking, "I wonder if my husband/boyfriend notices my stomach isn't as firm as it used to be." That can ruin the experience for both parties.

Curves are beautiful. It's time to realize your curves are beautiful. There's nothing like a curvy woman wearing a well-fitted dress or pair of jeans. Play up those curves and stop being ashamed of them because they're beautiful.

There isn't only one ideal body type. We are all built differently and few of us are meant to be a size two or four. Realize that the female body is an amazing thing, and we should start loving and appreciating it. It's time to stop obsessing over what the size tag says in our clothes. Curves are feminine and beautiful, so embrace them!

Be confident, love your body,love yourself!